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A Life changing day - London Olympics Super Saturday

Writer's picture: Vicki BaumannVicki Baumann

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

The energy in the stadium was off the scales. The roar of the crowd!

The sound wave of clapping and cheering moving around the stadium - following the footsteps of Mo Farrah as he raced towards Olympic champion. Wow! I never thought I’d be there – Super Saturday Olympics 2012. I had a front row seat!

But not where I had imagined.

I was in a hospital ward, three of us. All our televisions turned up to generate the atmosphere - as I lay leg-above-heart, a permanent ice pack on my injured foot to bring the swelling down.

Desperate for my operation in two day’s time that would give me a chance of being able to walk again.

🔸 Right There

🔸 Right in That Moment

🔸 I knew I Would be OK, I Would make sure I Could Walk Again

Watching the Olympics from Tokyo this Summer got me thinking back to our amazing 2012 London Olympics – such a memorable year for so many reasons.

Nine years ago 1st August 2012 I was involved in a hit and run accident. London Olympics; the day of the Cycling London 100. The day that changed my life.

Yoga teacher Vicki Baumann of Yogawithvickib names as one of the f:Entrepreneur #ialso100 for 2020.

Days later, I was in Kingston Hospital awaiting an operation that would help me recover and ensure my injury didn’t result in permanent walking difficulties.

“A life changing injury” was how my surgeon had described my injury. And yes it was but two fold..

🔸 The First – the injury itself – a severe crush and twist - a complex Lisfranc injury – resulting from a car hit and run accident. I had two days to make sure the swelling was reduced to enable the operation that would fix the broken and fractured metatarsals. 🔸 Monday brought me the operation I so desperately wanted and needed – metal plates and screws to rebuild my injured foot. 🔸 It was to be nearly a year and two operations later that I would be walking again unaided.

🔸 The Second – and perhaps not the ‘life changing’ scenario that my fabulous Surgeon may have meant – but as a direct result of this severe injury, 🔸 I have completely changed my life and am today a full time yoga teacher. One moment in time, changes life.

So I spent the weekend in Kingston hospital watching back-to-back Olympics – Super Saturday and the Closing Ceremony hoping that my foot swelling would reduce sufficiently to enable me to get the operation I was so desperately in need of.

Where I am today is directly as a result of this injury and the incredible two operations that the NHS provided me. I decided I had to change my priorities. For years I had always put my career first. Now was the time to put my health firmly as the priority.

So I went back to my yoga mat, knowing it would build the strength and flexibility that I so needed.

Since then I have trained to become a yoga teacher; given up my decades of career in print and marketing and moved from Surrey to Dorset. I teach yoga live online – complete beginners courses, beginners-continuation classes and my mixed ability/intermediate classes. And have just opened up my home yoga studio for private yoga classes.

🧡 I love teaching – I love encouraging those that keep putting-off starting yoga – thinking they won’t be strong enough, flexible enough. None of that matters. Starting is what counts. The rest will follow. I know only too well just how much yoga can help you recover from an injury and help regain your strength and flexibility.

‘Practice makes progress’ – every time you step onto your yoga mat you are making progress. Acceptance of what you can and can’t do that day; joy in discovering new poses; finally finding your balance and strength.

I have to say thank you. 🙏 Thank you to our incredible NHS. My wonderful yoga teacher Mano from whom I have, and continue to learn, so much. The support and encouragement from my family and friends. Without them I simply would not have undertaken and qualified as a yoga teacher.

🤗 So, whatever story you are telling yourself as to why you ‘can’t do something’ – find your inner strength and remember a moment when you have overcome your biggest challenge. You Can Do It.

I love working with new ladies who are at that stage of their life where they want to take control of their health and wellbeing and ensure that, whilst their body may be changing, that they remain strong and flexible into their next stage of life.

If you would like to have a chat about how you can join my next yoga beginners course starting in September; join one of my live online yoga classes; or would like to discuss working with me for 1-2-1 yoga – then get in touch, message or call me and I’ll be happy to talk. As all my group classes are run live online via Zoom, it doesn't matter where in the UK you are located - you can easily access my classes, my workshops and online retreats so you needn’t put off starting

Want to find out more about my online retreats and my in-person ladies Yoga Retreats in Kalkan and the UK? Take a look under 'Yoga With Me' on my website or get in touch – I’d love to hear from you

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