Five things you may not know about me: Day 4
Life can’t be all about work and play. For me, I need to find space to give something back. So, for the last four years I have been supporting Kindness Bags. And in March 2019 helped raise over £20,000 for Breast Cancer Care.
Two deserving causes close to my heart - 'Breast Cancer Care' and 'Kindness Bags'.

The M Ball, raised £20,000 for Breast Cancer Care
2019 was a significant year for my family – it marked ten years since losing my Sister to Breast Cancer, aged just 48.
Together with my niece Louise, we co-hosted 'The M Ball' a fundraising event to celebrate and commemorate her life. During the evening of fun, laughter and dancing (all of which my Sister would have loved) we raised through tickets, auctions and raffles over £20,000 for Breast Cancer Care (now Breast Cancer Now).
As we were presenting the cheque in the Breast Cancer Care offices we got a call to say that another kind contributor was making the extra donation to bring it from £19,853.12 to £20,000!
Kindness Bags
This fabulous initiative was started in 2015 by three London photographers Lucy Williams, Yolande de Vries and Kat Hill. It encourages individuals to create a rucksack filled with essential items and goodies that get delivered to homeless women in shelters over the Christmas period.
For the past four years I have helped generate publicity locally and been the collector and co-ordinator for all the bags donated in the Surrey/South London area. It provides individuals with the chance to create their own bag full of useful items; warm thermal underwear; sanitary products; hats; gloves and treats.
Everyone who participates each year say they love that they can do something practical that they know will go directly to the women who need it.
Since 2015 over 1000 bags have been lovingly put together, gathered by the local volunteer collectors; checked and topped-up to make each as perfect as possible and distributed to women’s hostels and Crisis centres in London.
If you want to be involved with Kindness Bags later this year, like their Facebook page and you can keep up-to-date on when this year's initiative will get underway - or get in touch and I'll be happy to chat.
And if you are organising a fundraising event of your own in or around Surrey - I'm always happy to support by providing a free Yoga 121 cats as a raffle prize. Email me the details and let's have a conversation
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